Tips on How to Avoid Cold Weather Blues

With cold weather comes the feelings of holiday cheer, quality time with family, and picturesque yards covered in blankets of snow. However, with winter comes gloomy and dreary weather, fewer hours of daylight, and a high chance of cabin fever. Remember when the sky is dark, your mood doesn’t need to be. Below are tips on how to SMILE this winter season.


S – Stay active. Even though it’s dark and you are feeling unmotivated, staying active has never been more important. Inactivity can lead to reduced muscle mass, intolerance for physical activity and a greater risk for injury. Also, exercise releases endorphins making you feel great post-workout!
M – Meet up with a friend. Staying home alone in the warmth of your bed may sound appealing, but it’s important not to isolate yourself. Socializing not only keeps you mentally stimulated, but reduces stress, builds engaging relationships and helps a dreary day go by faster.
I – Indoor activities. Just because the weather is preventing you from doing activities outside, doesn’t mean you need to surrender to cabin fever. Inviting friends over for dinner and a game night, challenging yourself to a 30 minute at-home workout, or trying a new recipe are all easy ways to avoid boredom.
L – Learn something new. Have you ever wanted to start a new hobby or learn a new skill? Sign up for a baking class, learn a new language or ask a family member to teach you how to use a tablet. Whatever it may be, winter is the perfect time to commit to a new goal.
E – Embrace the cold. Enjoy the snow instead of hiding from it. Take your grandchildren sledding, sip hot cocoa after building a snowman, or take to painting the beautiful winter scenery in your own front yard.

Don’t be a scrooge this season – stay safe and enjoy the cold weather! Spring will be here before you know it.


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